Sunday, January 4, 2009

8th "10 Film Box Office Hollywood Sepanjang 2008"

yap! sesuai judulnya... ini dia 10 film box office hollywood sepanjang 2008 yang mendapat pendapatan sangat besar.... wew... laku keras nih hollywood... Nice! ^^

The List is :
1st is The Dark Knight
2nd is Iron Man
3rd is Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystall Skull
4th is Hancock
5th is Wall-E
6th is Kung Fu Panda
7th is Madagascar : Escape 2 Africa
8th is Twilight
9th is Quantum Of Solace
10th is Horton Hears A Who


  1. Wah... dari sepuluh film itu, ada lima di antaranya yg gw tonton di bioskop sini.

  2. wahahah~


    tebak ah...
    iron man, the dark knight, wall-e, kungfu panda, hancock..

    bener kaga?
